客製化 404 Page

OMG, I haven’t played with my blog for a long time!!!

It’s been a while, all I have done is focused on my little one, keep updating her daily life, recording her every mileage, etc. And, in deed, as a newly mom, these really filled my life, I barely have extra time to even think about my blog or read some stylish blog design.

Several days ago, I’m just kinda bored of my blog design and wanna give it a new look. I have tried dynamic templates, however, it’s just a tragedy! There’re too many limitations and too few things that I can customize.

So, I came back to my original version, just changed the top banner picture, background and fixed some useful widgets though.

Besides the functional widgets, the biggest change of my website was the personal and informational 404 page, yoohoo~!!!! Why do we need a personalized 404 page? Because being the same as others is always boring, but the most important is to provide more information and help readers to find the right page!

The following picture is the default page when your link is broken. However, through this page, readers can’t get any information except go back to your homepage. By this way, you may loose some of your readers.

defalt 404 page

So, as an nice author, I think an informative 404 page is a way to show your responsibility. Since 99% of the broken links are created from the author!

So, how could personalize your 404 page? Easy two steps!

  1. Design a 404 page content by HTML
  2. Navigate to your Blogger Dashboard –> Settings –> Search Preferances –> Custom Page Not Found –> Edit –> Paste your HTML code –> Save  

客製化 404 page 步驟

If you’re not familiar with HTML, the followings are the websites that might help! Enjoy~!!

Helpful websites, really thank you for their help!!!!!!

Useful HTML tools

See below, this is my creative and friendly 404 page, really love it ^^

客製化 404 Page
Besides having a friendly 404 page to re-direct to the right contents, it’s also a good idea to always check your crawl errors! I always check my crawl errors through Google Webmaster, it’s a really good tool though!

crawl error

Also, you can check broken links through deadlinkchecker.com~!!


I hope you like my design, and am looking forward to your feedbacks~!!

–> More blogging fun please hop on over to: ♥ Blogging ♥

現居德州, 致力於在平凡的生活中尋找不平凡, 在忙碌的生活中尋找只屬於我們的小幸福... 旅行。美食。生活。牽著手的三人行... 若無特別聲明, 本站所有文章皆為作者原創, 欲轉載請註明作者 & 文章出處, 請尊重智慧財產權, 謝謝~!!