
[食譜] 寶寶副食品筆記 (9M-12M)

茉莉  1Y 啦~!!! 雖然媽媽我中式手藝不太好, 但是西式料理還是勉強端得上檯面的喔~!!! 來看看茉莉 9-12M 的豐富早餐/點心集啦~!!

[食譜] 輕乳酪蛋糕 (Light Cheesecake) by Cheese Slices

I LOVE CHEESECAKES, especially the airy light cheesecakes. The taste is so gorgeous, and I just can't say no to one…

[麵包機食譜] 鮮奶油螺旋麵包 (Spiral Cream Bread)

I love spiral cream bread! A couple weeks ago when I saw Carol's newest post - recipe for spiral cream…

[食譜] 脆皮核桃馬芬 (Crunchy-Top Pecan Muffins)

I'm not a big fan of muffins, but both Mario and me love the crunchy tops. If you were also…

Having Trouble with Christmas Gifts? Try the Hand-Made Cookies!!

It's Christmas - the greatest holiday in the US!!! Are you ready for the holidays? Tired for the chocolate? Have…

[麵包機食譜] 營養滿分的紅蘿蔔吐司 (Carrot Toast)

Carrot is not a necessary food in our home. However, it sometimes plays a crucial role in certain dishes, though…

[食譜] 千層派 (Milli Creme)

Feeling great to finally done with my proposal~~!!Thanks gave to Mario who didn't ask me to clean the floor during…

[食譜] 美式鬆餅 10 分鐘快速上桌 (American Pancake)

10 分鐘上桌的美式鬆餅, 讓你一早起床不再手忙腳亂啦~!!

[食譜] 荷蘭烤鬆餅 (Dutch Baby Pancake)

假日的早餐來點不同的吧... 用鑄鐵鍋烤出來的荷蘭烤鬆餅, 香香脆脆的口感打開你一天的好心情~!!

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