[食譜] 簡單又受歡迎的杏仁瓦片 (Almond Tuiles)

杏仁瓦片雖然貴鬆鬆, 但是他酥脆的口感 & 留在嘴裡遲遲無法散去的杏仁香就是讓人無法克制的一口接一口… 再加上杏仁與天具來的香氣 & 高營養更是讓人愛不釋手, 絕對是下午茶點心的不二人選…

今天就要跟大家介紹在台灣的大家一定不生疏, 但卻沒想到作起來這麼簡單的一款餅乾 – 杏仁瓦片啦~!!!

PS. 帶去實驗室大受歡迎所以附帶英文版本喔~!! 還在苦惱要準備什麼給外國朋友嗎? 大大推薦杏仁瓦片啦~!! 但是, 請千萬要確認他們沒有花生過敏的問題~!!


Almond Tuile is a very famous but pricey cookie in Taiwan. The rich flavor and high nutrients from almond make it so popular. Moreover, when you are looking for something light, crispy for afternoon tea. Almond Tuiles is always a perfect answer for you~!!

So, let’s go nuts~!!


杏仁瓦片 (Almond Tuiles)

Servings: ~40 pieces
Time Needed: ~2 hr
Convenience: ♥♥♥♥♥
Level:              ♥♡♡♡♡


Egg: 1ea.
Egg White: 2ea.
Powder Sugar: 2/3 C
Cake Flour: 50g
Olive Oil1: 1/4 C
Almond Slices: 200g


1. 把蛋 & 蛋白放進攪拌盆裡攪拌均勻

Combine the egg and egg white in a middle bowl, Stir with a rubber spatula.

2. 把過篩的糖粉 & 低筋麵粉加進攪拌盆裡攪拌均勻…

Sift the powder sugar and cake flour into the egg mixture and stir evenly.


3. 加入橄欖油混合均勻…

Add the oil in and mix evenly.


4. 最後加入杏仁片並輕輕的攪拌均勻, 放進冰箱裡冷藏 1hr 備用…

Add the almond slices into the bowl and mix gently as to not break the slices… Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 1hr.



5. 烤盤鋪上烘培紙, 用湯匙挖一匙並鋪平2

On parchment paper, spoon the almond mixture into a circle as thinly as you can.2


6. 340oF 烘烤 10min.3

Bake on 340oF for around 10min.3


7. 放到完全冷透脆脆的杏仁瓦片就完成, 可以收進保存盒裡啦~!!

Cool thoroughly on the rack, then you can preserve them in the container.


  1. 任何的食用油都可以喔…
  2. 鋪平的方式可以用叉子幫忙, 也可以用手沾點水直接鋪平… 建議不要有任何重疊的杏仁片~!!
  3. 建議 5min. 後要在烤箱旁邊待命, 如果正背面上色程度差很多可以中途翻面烤! 若是上色不完全建議用餘火再悶個 3-5min. 色澤會更漂亮喔~!!
  1. Any liquid oil can be replaced by Olive Oil.
  2. You can spread the almond slices into circle by using forks. If you wanna use hand, make sure to apply some water on your hand! My tip for crispy almond tuiles is to make sure there’s no any almond slice overlapped!
  3. Stay around after 5min. baking to make sure they’re not burned. If you found the color is not that perfect on the top side, you can turn over while baking. Additionally, after 10min. baking, if you found the color is not dark enough, keep the oven off but leave them in the oven for another 3-5min.


杏仁瓦片真的是很簡單的小點心, 就是鋪平的步驟麻煩了一點, 所以我對他高貴不貴的價格還是可以接受的… 想要嘗試這款小餅乾, 我覺得最最需要注意的就是最後烘烤的步驟了… 建議人不要離開烤箱太久, 畢竟 3min. 就可以讓美味的杏仁瓦片變成炭啦~!!!

The Almond Tuile is so easy… The only thing I want you to pay attention to is the baking procedure. Since the tuile is so thin, it’s really easy to be overbaked… So, keep an eye on the oven is very important!!!!




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